Does the appearance of the nose affect breathing?

Yes, pathologies in the appearance of the nose cause nasal congestion in many cases. In these cases, the appearance of the nose is changed after surgical maneuvers done for the elimination of nasal congestion and aesthetic changes are inevitable in these situations.

Should the Rhinoplasty be performed by otolaryngologist or plastic surgeons?

Rhinoplasty can be performed by both otolaryngologist and plastic surgeons. Mainly, 2 factors are required. The surgeon who will perform Rhinoplasty:

1. should be enough dominant in the structures inside the nose and know proper correction of their pathologies and if needed, other nasal pathologies (rhinosinusitis, polyps, concha pathologies etc.) should be corrected in the same surgery.
2. 2. should know aesthetic facial analysis and aesthetic nose analysis and should give the desired aesthetic effect to the patient.

Is there any seasonal difference for Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty can be performed at any season. Only patients should pay attention to doctors reccomendations specific for the season.

Can Rhinoplasty be performed at an earlier period than 18 years?

Yes, it can be performed in special cases.

Is Rhinoplasty possible without a tampon?

Yes, Dr. Cabbarzade performs the surgery without a tampon in relevant patients.

In which cases Rhinoplasty is considered to be successful?

1. It shouldnt be felt by the people around that there has been performed rhinoplasty in the nose. The nose should be natural, beautiful and in harmony with face.
2. As the main function of the nose is to breathe, comfortable breathing should be provided after the surgery.

Is there any pain after Rhinoplasty?

When Rhinoplasty is performed according to relevant principles, almost there is no any pain.

Does the thickness of the skin of nose have any impact on the result of Rhinoplasty?

Yes, it does. The most appropriate noses for Rhinoplasty are the noses with the skin having normal thickness. There is need for special maneuvers in order to get the necessary result in noes with thin and thick – skinned noses. The surgeon should be enough experienced to carry out these maneuvers.

Do insurance companies pay the costs of rhinoplasty?

The great majority of insurance companies dont pay the costs of rhinoplasty.

Does the use of cigarette have any harm after rhinoplasty?

There are benefits not to smoke 1 month before and after rhinoplasty. Smoking adversely affect the recovery process of the nose after surgery by disrupting the normal wound healing.

Which is the upper age limit for rhinoplasty?

There is no any upper age limit. If the general condition of the patient is appropriate and there is an instruction for rhinoplasty functionally or aesthetically, rhinoplasty can be performed in old patients.

What is the fate of the rest of the skin over the nose when the big nose is diminished by rhinoplasty?

As the skin is elastic, it gets the new form of the nose after a certain time.

Why revision surgeries are more difficult after rhinoplasty than the first surgery?

Revision surgeries are more difficult for some reasons:

  • It is more difficult to work on scar tissues which are formed after the initial surgery than original tissues as they are more rigid and stuck.
  • Original anatomic structures are changed.
  • Cartilage is used to achieve some changes during rhynoplasty. If the cartilages inside the nose have been used in the previous surgeries and there are no enough cartilages for the desired correction of the nose, there can be a need for getting a piece of cartilage from ear or rib in revision surgeries. When obtaining the piece of cartilage from the above mentioned regions is performed in accordance with the modern principles, the possibility of complications is minimum. Necessary detailed information about this will be provided to you by your doctor.
  • Revision surgeries should be performed by the surgeons with necessary experience in the field of rhinoplasty for both structures inside the nose and aesthetic facial analysis.