

Dr. Cavid Cabbarzade
HB Guven Clinic, Ataturk avenue 3078
+994 (50) 444-88-11

© 2015-2020 Dr. Cavid Cabbarzade

Hearing loss is a partial or total loss of hearing functions due to any reason. It should be definitely investigated. As if a person lives in a quiet environment, his/ her communication with surrounding people decreases, he/ she feels himself/ herself lonely and this weakens the psychology and life quality of people.

Causes of hearing loss:

  • Congenital malformations of the ear
  • Disorders blocking external ear
  • Disorders blocking Eustachitis
  • Acute or chronic diseases of the ear
  • Ear tumors
  • Ear and skull traumas
  • Being subjected to loud noise and acoustic traumas
  • The use of ototoxic drugs
  • Some metabolic and vascular diseases
  • Autoimmune causes
  • Aging

Types of hearing loss:

  1. Conductive type hearing losses
  2. Sensorineural type hearing losses
    • Sudden hearing loss
    • Hearing loss related to loud noise
    • Hearing loss related to other pathologies
    • Hearing loss related to aging
    • Congenital hearing losses
  3. Mixed hearing losses

Examination methods in hearing losses

It is not difficult to diagnose for hearing losses. It is possible to diagnose with the anamnesis, physical examination and audiological examination of the patient. If needed in some diseases whose etiology is not known, CT and MRT can be implemented.

The treatment of conductive type hearing loss

It is a hearing loss which is observed in the outer ear and middle ear. Usually, it is cured with medical or surgical treatment. Congestions in outer ear, middle ear infections, chronic otitis with cholesteatoma, oteosclerosis, serous otitis related to the pathologies of Eustachitis and ear bleedings related to skull injuries can cause conductive type hearing loss. Loss is eliminated with medical treatment in middle ear infections. However, diseases such as cholesteatoma, eardrum perforations and alabaster in hearing bones are treated surgically.

Serous otitis media is a pathology which is conductive type hearing loss related to nonpyogenic liquid collection in middle ear cavity found mostly in children and firstly, medical treatment is given. If the treatment doesn’t give any effect, surgically liquid in the ear is discharged and a small tube is placed to ear membrane for the purpose of ventilation. If the child has adenoid, it is removed in the same surgery. These tubes remain about for 6 – 12 months and then they are removed. Thus, 90 – 95 % of patients recover. And in 5 – 10 % patients, liquid can be collected again in the ear. In such cases, there can be a need for placing tube repeatedly.

The treatment of sensorineural hearing loss

Sudden hearing loss:

Losses occurring 30 dB or more at least 3 frequency within a short time than 3 days one after another are called sudden hearing losses. These losses can occur as a result of being exposed to loud noise such as gun, rifle shots, vascular causes, tumors, ototoxic drugs, viral infections, trauma, diabetes mellitus and autoimmune causes.

If very early and proper treatment is conducted in sudden loss hearing, there is a chance for recovery. High pressure oxygen, vascular expansion supplements, and cortisone drugs are the most used methods. If the drug treatment doesn’t give any effect, hearing device is recommended after 6 months or 1 year.

Hearing loss related to loud noise:

This type is found in persons who are subjected to loud noise for long time. It doesn’t have medical or surgical treatment. First of all, such patients are recommended to be away from places with loud noise where they work. Repeated ear examination is conducted after 5 – 6 months and the level of hearing loss is measures. There is no need in mild hearing loss. However, if there is severe hearing loss, hearing devices help the patients.

Age – related hearing loss (Presbycusis):

It is a pathology which can be found in most people related to aging. It can be more or less. If needed, hearing device is determined.

Congenital hearing losses:

Genetic disorders, infectious diseases in the mother occurred during her pregnancy are observed among the causes. Hearing devices, and if they are not effective, cochlear implants which are called “bionic ear” are used in the treatment.